Maisie Brawl Stars – Skills and details

Maisie is the latest addition to the Brawl Stars roster, who is a chromatic Brawler with low health but a high damage potential. She works at Starr Park as a cinema security assistant, helping to prevent accidents on Brawlywood productions, especially when Buster and Fang are involved! Despite loving them both, she also detests them for having to supervise them like she is their big sister. It is also worth mentioning that the brawler Maisie completes a trio with Fang and Buster.

Jungle Queen Maisie

Tech Maisie

Maisie Skills and detail​

Main Attack: With her attack, Maisie uses the Pressure Cannon in place of her arm, launching a single projectile, which gains speed over time!
This attack is long-range and medium-sized, dealing damage at the same rate.
Super Skill: With her Super, she can shoot the projectile at the ground, generating a shock wave, causing damage, and pushing everyone around.
As it is a very strong attack, it is not activated instantly, so it has a slight delay, which should not interfere with its use, but should give the opponent time to realize what will happen even if he cannot escape.

How to get Brawl Stars Maisie for free?

She will arrive in the next season, which starts on May 1st, on Monday, along with the skin in the Brawl Pass, Maisie Queen of the Jungles, giving a new style to her metallic arm, gaining a golden snake. In addition, a Technique skin will also be available, with the value of 29 Gems.

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