Estrellas grises de Brawl

New Free Brawler: Gray

And with this update, we will also have a brawler called Gray, with a very different style than we have seen in the last updates. He is the second member of the Brawlywood trio.

Lola is a soap opera star, therefore, super dramatic. But Gray makes art films; his niche is silent films.

Skills of Gray, the most Free Brawler of Brawl Stars Season 16

This new brawler will also arrive with a new look, Costumed as a Prisoner. See in detail:

Primary Attack: In his main attack, he throws puppet lines with the power of his mind.
Super Skill: When using Super, he opens portals that can be used to teleport to another place on the map.
The first portal appears where Gray is positioned when using the Super; the second is launched within range of his Super.
Both Brawler Gray and his allies can use their portals, so be careful to avoid making your team end up in the wrong place on the map.

This new brawler will also arrive with a new look, Costumed as a Prisoner. See in detail:

How To Unlock Gray?

It will be possible to unlock Brawler Gray for free by completing an in-game quest, which will be available once the update arrives. This quest lasts for one month, so complete it before it expires.

But if you don’t complete this mission, you can release Gray on the star trail or through an offer in the Store.

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