Brawl Stars Full Finger Touch Gloves Mortis


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Bravstar | Mortis Brawl Stars Full Finger Touch Gloves: Default Mortis | Brawler Stars

Type: Brawl Stars Full Finger Touch Gloves

Mortis – Wiki, Info, Skins and Attacks in the game… Check it out here!

Mortis dashes forward with a sharp swing of his shovel, creating business opportunities for himself. He’ll gain a longer dash after a short delay when he has all three dashes ready.

Mortis dashes forward a short distance, dealing minor damage to any enemy Brawlers in his path. Mortis can’t perform his attack without dashing unless he dashes toward a nearby wall, where his dash is cut short. This is technically a melee attack because Mortis has to dash directly onto the enemy to damage them, and the dash has a short-range. When Mortis has all of his ammo bars full, a bar starts to charge. It fully charges in 4.5 seconds, making Mortis’s following dash range two tiles longer. This attack has no cooldown and has the slowest reload speed in the game.

Style: Touch Gloves Full Finger Guantes

Size: 18 * 8.5cm (one size)

Full Finger Touch Gloves Weight: About 25g

Feature: Outdoor Sports Full Finger Touch Gloves

This Brawler Stars Full Finger Touch Gloves is suitable for: Child, Boy, Girl, Teenager, Adult, Man, Woman

Bravo Stars Gift Idea: Birthday, Party, Christmas, Reward, Souvenir, Homecoming, Surprise …


Entrega prevista: O tempo de produção é de 2 a 5 dias úteis. Tempo estimado de entrega: Tempos de embarque.
Elegibilidade para devolução: Envie de volta na embalagem original, sem danos. Entre em contato com nossa equipe de suporte AQUI e eles o ajudarão adequadamente.

0/5 Singular: (0 Análise)
Peso 0.1 kg
Dimensões 15 × 15 × 5 cm
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